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《美国动物(2022 )》完整中英文对照剧本

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 从他们的背景资料中 There was nothing in their backgrounds 我们必须假设 原本在肯塔基洞穴外生活的美国动物 代代退化成洞内的生物 《物种起源》

 查尔斯·达尔文 这并不是真实事件 肯塔基 根本看不出来 that would suggest, 他们会做出那种事 you know, something like that would happen. 我当时很迷惑 I was at a loss. 他们都是很好的孩子 They were pretty darn good kids. 这些孩子不是罪犯

 也没有犯罪记录 These boys weren"t criminals, they didn"t have records. 发生这种事情 And, you know, for something like this to happen, 当时对于那些孩子和学校来说 to the boys and to the school, of course, 都是巨大的损失 it was a big loss at the time. 我们都震惊了 We were in shock. 我们从来没想到 I mean, we did not expect that 会是我们的儿子 from our son, ever. 简直就像是从噩梦中醒来 It"s like we woke up in a nightmare. 我们家最重要的是 Everything in our family was 要将我们的孩子培养成才 geared towards our kids to be successful. 那一刻 It was just a... 我们完全失去了他 a moment which we lost him. 对不起 Sorry. 斯宾塞

 谢谢你的耐心等待 Spencer. Thank you for waiting.

 美国动物 18 个月前 你的档案和你的老师们 We"ve been very impressed with your portfolio 对你的表扬都非常出彩 and the exceptional commendations of your teachers. 但我们希望多了解 But now we"re hoping to find out, 你的个性 a little more about you personally. 就像家庭背景之类的吗 Um, like my family background, stuff? 只要你觉得有关系的 Whatever you think is most relevant. 跟我们说说你自己就行 Just tell us a little bit about who you are. 我叫斯宾塞·雷哈德 My name is Spencer Reinhard. 真正的斯宾塞·雷哈德 我来自肯塔基州


 我还差 I"m from Lexington, Kentucky, and I"m 30 years old 不到一个月就 30 岁了 for another, less than a month, I guess. 我父亲是一名工程师 My father, he is, uh, an engineer. 我母亲应该是全职妈妈 My mom is a stay-at-home mom, I guess. 我先打断你一下 Let me stop you there. 你说得很好 That"s great. 但是我们真正想知道的 I suppose, what we"d really like to know, 是你 is about you. 爱好之类的吗 Like, uh, hobbies and stuff? 你希望用你的作品表达什么 What do you hope to express with your work? 特兰西瓦尼亚大学

 2003 年 9 月 我是说 I mean... 作为一名艺术家

 你是谁 Who are you as an artist?


 下一位 Next one! Next one! 雷哈德先生

 请描述出崇高之人 Mr. Reinhard, the honorable man, if you will. 他为慷慨之人而战 Um, he strives for the generosity of the generous. 为谦卑之人而行 For the humility of the humble. 崇高之人... The honorable man is... 吸干

 吸干 Suck it up! Suck it up! 吸干

 吸干 Suck it up! Suck it up! -吸干


 -来吧 - Suck it up! Suck it up! - Hit it! 吸干

 吸干 Suck it up! Suck it up! 长大后

 我开始 Growing up, I had a, 我开始产生想要改变人生体验的欲望 a desire for some kind of life-altering experience. 我开始阅读关于其他艺术家的事 I started to read about other artists. 他们总是被人生中各种悲剧所影响 They were always affected by some kind of tragedy in their life, 遭受了巨大的痛苦 and had to suffer a great deal. 梵高最后自杀了 Van Gogh ended up killing himself. 莫奈瞎了 Monet went blind. 我觉得他们能够理解到 I felt like they understood something more about life 我从未体验过的人生 that I wasn"t getting to experience. 艺术不应该仅仅是 Art has to be about more than just, "我的人生很棒

 我画画很棒" "My life is great, and I"m really good at drawing." 沃伦 也该是时候了 About fucking time. 什么叫也该是时候了

 What do you mean it"s about time? 我给你留了成千上万条留言 I left you like a zillion messages. 你好几周没给我留过言了

 沃伦 You haven"t left me a message in weeks, Warren. 不管怎么样

 你想做些什么吗 Anyway, do you wanna do something? -我要上♥床♥睡觉了

 -我去找你 - I think I"m gonna go to bed. - I"m coming over. 说真的

 去他妈的兄弟会 Seriously, man, fuck fraternities. 加入他们的唯一原因 The reason to be a part of that is 是为了有一天你能走进一间根本不想进的办公室 so one day you can walk in the door of an office you never wanna go in 见一个你根本不想见的人 to see a guy you never wanna meet, 希望他能给你一份你根本不想做的工作 on the hopes that he might give you a job you never wanna fucking do. 我经常会想

 如果我没有认识沃伦 Something I"ve often thought about, is how, 我的人生会有多么不一样 my life would"ve been different if I hadn"t met Warren. 这是恐龙

 霸王龙 So this is the, uh, dinosaur, T-Rex, 真正的沃伦·利普卡 想要关掉天花板上的风扇 trying to turn off a ceiling fan. 我妈妈绝对不想让我 Warren was definitely somebody that 跟沃伦这样的人交朋友 my mom did not want me to be friends with. 我们不喜欢看到他和沃伦走得很近 We were not thrilled with the relationship with Warren, 但是我们也接受了

 因为... but we accepted it because... 那是他的朋友 that was his friend. 你总是得在肉汤中加点 You need to have a little bit of spice... 香料 in the broth. 沃伦可能就是那种香料 And Warren, probably was that spice.

 人们总说我是领头人 People have said that I was the ring leader, 但其实不是的 but that"s just not true. 根本没有领头人 There was no ring leader. 搞定 Yes! Shit! 我在这里干活吗 Did I work here? 这的东西大半都浪费了 Half of this shit got wasted. 真的是直接扔进垃圾桶 Literally, thrown in the fucking trash. 把手电筒给我 Hand me the flashlight. 沃伦

 我们来这里干什么 Uh, Warren, what are we doing here? 你知道吗

 美国餐厅有 40%的食物 Did you know, that 40% of restaurant food in America 都会被扔进垃圾桶

 直接扔掉 gets thrown in the trash? Just thrown away. 我们是这个星球上最胖的国家 We are the fattest fucking nation on the planet, 我们还是会扔掉一半的食物 and we still throw nearly half of our food away. -非洲的孩子们还在挨饿呢

 -该死 - I mean, kids are starving in Africa, dude. - Fuck, man. 太悲剧了 It"s fucking tragic. 我们要拿这些东西干什么 What the fuck are we gonna do with this, huh? 我们是在把它们从垃圾场里救出来 We"re saving it from landfill. 你吃牛油果吗

 能卖♥♥... Do you eat avocados. They"re over... 没人会买♥♥的

 沃伦 No one"s buying, Warren... -该死



 快跑 - Shit. - Run! Run, run, run, run, run! 别把肉弄掉了

 该死 Don"t drop the fucking meat. Goddammit. 下一次就等着吃枪子儿吧

 沃伦 Next time, you"re gonna get a fucking bullet, Warren!

 去他们的 Fuck "em up in their ass! -开车


 我开车 - Drive. Drive. - I"m driving. I"m driving. I"m driving! 我开车

 我开车 I"m driving! I"m driving! 看看这些混♥蛋♥ Look at these fucks. 我们应该加大油门冲过去让他们解脱 We should just rev up and put them out of their misery. 我都不知道我们来这里干什么 I don"t even know what we"re doing back here. 你在那儿新认识什么不错的家伙了吗 So, did you meet any new cool people, over there? 没有

 都是一群蠢蛋 No. Bunch of jocks. 你呢 You? 没有 No. 和我想象的不一样 It"s not what I thought it would be. 你有没有想过

 你来到这个世上 Do you ever wonder, you ended up being born. 是你

 而不是其他人 You, here, and not someone else? 你有没有感觉你其实是在等待什么事的发生 Do you ever feel like you"re waiting for something to happen, 但你却不知道是什么事 but you don"t know what it is? 但是 But, it"s, 这件事可能 that thing that could, um, 让你的人生变得很特别 make your life special. 嗯 Yeah. 比如什么事 Like what? 没错 Exactly. "比如什么事" "Like what?"


 2003 年 9 月 如果你今天早上醒来还在思考 Good news if you woke up wondering 这个小镇是否适合你居住

 那好消息来了 if you"re living in the right town today, folks. 《福布斯》将列星敦列为 "Cause Forbes Magazine votes Lexington 全美第 14 适合做生意和工作的地方 14th best place in the US for business and careers. 如果你有找不到的书 If there is a book you cannot find, 不管是在书架上还是电脑里 either on the shelves or on the computer, 请及时找图书馆人员进行询问 please make a point of asking a member of the library staff. 这些门后是特别馆藏 Through these doors, live the special collection. 以后

 如果你们想要进到这里 And in future, you will require an appointment 就必须进行预约 to go through these doors, 而且全程需要有 and you will need to be accompanied 一名图书馆人员在场陪同 by a member of the library staff at all times. 谁帮我扶住门

 谢谢 Someone take the door. Thank you. 这座图书馆中的很多书 Many of the books in this library 自 19 世纪开始便已贮藏在此 have been here since the 19th century, 我们也非常高兴能有幸 and we are very pleased to be home 保管一些全美国最珍贵的书籍 to some of the rarest editions in the United States. 这幅作品 John James Audubon 是由约翰·杰姆斯·奥杜邦所做 is responsible for this masterpiece here. 第一版

 《美洲鸟类》 First edition, Birds of America. 他曾经就住在肯塔基 He lived here in Kentucky. 他曾因为生意失败

 He had some misfortune in business. 负债入狱 Went to prison for debt. 出狱后


 一些颜料 When he left prison, he headed for the wilderness 投身于自然 with a gun, some paint, 志在绘下美洲的每一种鸟类 and a deep desire to paint every bird in America. 等他回到文明世界 And when he came back into civilization, 他成为了美国艺术界举重若轻的人物 he was acclaimed as one of the foremost figures in American art. 那这值多少钱 So, how much is it worth? 我们从来不讨论书的具体价值 Well, we don"t discuss the worth of our books, 但是我可以保证

 奥杜邦先生从来没有想到 but I can assure you, that Mr. Audubon would never have imagined 他的书会成为现世最有价值的书籍 that his book would be the most valuable in existence. 你们很多人应该都很熟悉这本书 Now, most of you are familiar with this book. 可以说是有史以来最重要的作品之一 Arguably among the most important ever written. 达尔文的《物种起源》 Darwin"s On The Origin of Species. 请看第十行

 告诉我你们看到了什么 Please look at line number ten and tell me what you see. "物种"拼错了 Species is spelt wrong. 没错

 物种是... That"s correct. Species is... 能跟上我们吗

 先生 Will you be joining us, sir? 我确定他是在理查德的派对上告诉我的 I"m pretty sure he told me about it at Richard"s party. 我记得当时我不置可否 I remember being cool. 一本书 A book? 哪门子的书能值一千两百万 In what world can a book be worth $12 million? 不算是一本书

 It"s not really a book. 更像是一本画集 It"s more like a collection of paintings. 我觉得我是在车里告诉他的 I think I told him about it in the car. 也许是 11 月份吧

 很冷 Maybe November. It was cold. 我还是不明白一本书怎么能值一千两百万 I still don"t understand how a book could be worth $12 million. 就好像毕加索把他的好多画 It"s like if Picasso had a bunch of his paintings 都放在一本书里 in a book. 你说在图书馆里

 是怎样... When you say it"s in the library, it"s like, what... 放在架子上吗 sitting on a shelf? 不

 放在特殊藏品室里 No, it"s in the, uh, special collections room. 那是什么

 保险库吗 Which is what? Like a vault? 更像是一间放着玻璃匣子的安全室 More like a secure room with glass cases and stuff. 门前有警卫什么的吗 With guards on the doors and shit? 没有

 不过你显然不可能直接走进去 No, but obviously, you can"t just walk in there. 那边停车 Hey, pull in here. 因为哪里都有警卫吗 Because there"s security everywhere? 我没看到 Not that I saw. 那怎么回事... What then... 因为你得先预约 Because, you have to make an appointment. 你记得是这样吗 So, this is how you remember it? 不大一样 Not exactly. 不过如果斯宾塞记得是这样 But if this his how Spencer remembers it, 那就这样吧

 then let"s go with it. 一千两百万 It"s $12 million. 我们能偷到吗 Could we get it? 要花多少力气 You know, like, what would it take? 肯定要花大力气才能搞到 It would take extraordinary effort to get it. 不是一般的力气 Not ordinary effort. 怎么了 What? 我觉得你知道怎么了 I think you know what. 很多人问"谁提出来的

 是谁开头的" There"s been so much, "Who brought it up? Who kinda started it?" 我觉得是他在钓鱼 I feel like he was fishing, 而我上钩了 and that I took the bait. 沃伦的确是一个 It would be true to say that 只要心里有了想法 once Warren latches on to an idea, 就不会轻易放弃的人 that he"s not easily going to let it go. 肯塔基大学 如何策划一起完美银行劫案 我只是想说如果你自己没有动作 Look, all I"m saying is that nothing will happen, 什么事都不会发生 unless you make something happen. 我们应该是去狩猎的

 伙计 We"re supposed to be hunter-gatherers, man. 但我们这辈子只是在面对各种烂问题 And our whole life, we"re just unwrapping shit. 一个接一个接一个 Packaging, packaging, packaging. 还以为自己有得选 The illusion of choice. 真是胡扯 It"s bullshit, man. 所有人都觉得自己能中彩票

 Everyone in here thinks that they"re gonna win the lottery, 但是谁都不会买♥♥ but no one likes a ticket. 是啊

 进监狱的确是个不错的转变 Well, yeah, a prison would be a nice change of scenery. 那最后逃亡到加勒比海的一艘船上呢 Well, what about ending up on a fucking boat in the Caribbean? 就像《肖申克的救赎》一样 Like the end of Shawshank Redemption. 天啊 Oh, my God. 怎么样 What about that? 他在监狱待了 20 年 He"d been in prison for 20 years. 很抱歉扫了你的兴

 但是 And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh, 现实生活中真的不是这样的

 沃伦 it doesn"t work like that in real life, Warren. 坏人们不会拎着钱 Bad guys, they don"t get to ride off into the sunset -还有金子

 -等等 - with the money and, - Wait a second. 奔向落日... the gold, and, uh... 我们怎么就变成坏人了 How will we be the bad guys? 我们会成为劫犯 Uh, we"d be the robbers. 你不会好奇吗 Aren"t you even curious? 你的小脑子 Your little, little brain, 不想知道到底会发生什么吗 to find out what would actually happen? 你不好奇吗 Aren"t you curious? 知道什么 Find out what? 知道现实中到底会发生什么 To find out what would really happen in real life. 我记不清数到哪里了 I"ve lost count. 你能不能走开



 Can you go, man, please? I work here, Warren. -我工作...

 -听我说 - I work... - Listen to me. -拜托

 -听我说 - Come on. - Listen to me. 我得干活 I gotta do this shit. 我们需要平面图 We"re gonna need the blueprints. 我们需要知道进出口的位置 We"re gonna need to know the exits and entry points. 我们需要知道员工通道的位置和 We"re gonna need to know the staff entrances 最快离开大楼 and the fastest way out of the building 及时到达指定地点的路线 at any given point in time. 你怎么看 What do you say? 我们不需要平面图 We"re don"t need blueprints. 我们可以直接画 We can just draw it. 非常嫌疑犯 极盗者 逃亡之路 虎口拔牙 虎豹小霸王 骗中骗 男人的争斗 双面劫匪 龙凤斗智 火柴人 神偷 这些人是笨蛋 These guys are fools. 他们退不起这个牌局 They can"t afford to weasel out on the deal. 不然他们就会全部输光 If they did, they"d be washed up, okay? -好吧

 -还有其它问题吗 - Okay. - Any other questions? 那我们先来看看这个 Well, let"s take a look at this, then.

 这是我记忆中路线的草图 This is a rough drawing of the track as I remember. 没有专门的书 There aren"t exactly books 会指导你如何偷窃艺术品 that instruct you on how to steal art. 我要你们跟我一起一步一步过一遍 I want you to go over this thing with me inch-by-inch. 就算有任何细微改动都得及时增减 Add or subtract the slightest change, 连热狗摊这么小的位置都不能放过 even if it"s something as small as the placement of a hot dog stand. 5 点 10 分



 一号♥图书馆员下班 5:10, tall, redhead, librarian one, leaves for the evening. 5 点 11 分 5:11, 矮个男性行政助理回来了 short, male administrative assistant, returns. 特别馆藏 帮我扶住门

 谢谢 Hold the door, please. 这座图书馆中的很多书 Many of the books in this library 自 19 世纪开始便已贮藏在此 have been here since the 19th century. 我们俩一开始对这个想法都不是很认真 Neither of us were really serious about the idea. 我一开始就是非常认真的 I took it very seriously from the start. 沃伦

 没有秘密敲门暗号♥ Warren, there"s no secret knock. 应该有 Yeah, well, there should be. 你好 Hi. 你已经弄丢了你的假身份证

 对吗 You lost your fake ID already, didn"t you? 其实我是来找你们聊点事的 Actually, I came to talk to you about something. -是吗

 -没错 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 怎么了 What"s up? 我要怎么出手东西

 What if I have something to get rid of? 你说的是什么东西 What thing are you talking about? 稀有的东西 Something rare. 你要销赃吗 So, you"re looking for a fence? 我要找个愿意买♥♥珍品的家伙 I"m looking for a guy who"s gonna buy something rare. 好吧 Right. 我不想跟你讨论这个 I don"t wanna hear anything about this. 不过我知道你可能可以去找谁 But, I know a guy you might be able to talk to. 但是我只见过他一次 But I"ve only met him once. 我也不知道能不能保证这个人的信用

 所以... And, I don"t know if I can vouch for him, so... -你明白吗


 我明白 - Do you understand? - Absolutely, I get it. 好吧 Okay. 他在纽约

 他不喜欢电♥话♥ He"s out in New York. He does not like phone calls. 我怎么和他联♥系♥ How do I get in touch with him? -这是什么

 -那是个销赃的 - What is this? - That"s a fence. 什么是销赃的 What"s a fence? 什么是销赃的 "What"s a fence?" 销赃的是专门买♥♥赃物的 A fence is somebody who buys stolen shit. 我们应该给那个人发邮件

 要求见面 We"re supposed to email that guy, asking for a meeting, 以"泰瑞"署名 and sign off with the name "Terry". 然后他说不要用同一个账号♥给他发两次邮件 And he said to never email from the same account twice. 多酷啊 How fucking cool is that? -干得好


 - Good work. - Thank you. "此致

 泰瑞" "Best, Terry." 行了吗 Happy? 我想改一下... I wanna change that... 我就是不懂什么叫"好信誉"费 I just don"t get, like, what a "Good faith" payment him is. 我们得给他 500 元

 他才肯和我们见面吗 I mean, we give him 500 bucks for a meeting? 这是为了证明我们是认真的

 不是来浪费时间的 It"s to show we"re serious and not time-wasters. 我觉得驾车 12 个小时横跨整个国家 I would"ve thought, driving across the country for 12 hours 已经够能证明这一点了 was a good demonstration of that. 道上就是这样

 伙计 It"s just how it"s done, man. 这都是通过你以前的偷窃知道的吗 Oh, you know this from all your previous heists? 你能放松点吗 Would you relax? 你拿到钱后准备怎么做 What would you do with the money? 艺术家不是都得饿死吗 Aren"t artists supposed to starve? 这是你们最喜爱的老歌♥电台 You"re listening to your favorite oldies station. 专门放送 50 年代

 60 年代和 70 年代的老歌♥ Back-to-back hits from the "50s, "60s and "70s. 我们离开了肯塔基 We were out of Kentucky, 没人知道我们走了 and nobody knows that we"re gone. 感觉一切皆有可能 There was a sense of possibility. 经历了很多现实中的事

 然后... Real things were actually starting to happen, and they were... 改变了...改变了我们当时的生活 It was changing... changing our lives right then. 我当时很害怕 I was fearful at the time that, 万一那人没出现

 if the guy didn"t show up, 这个幻想就要破灭了 that this fantasy would be over, 2004 年 2 月 14 日

 周二 我们就得回肯塔基了 and we"d be going back to Kentucky, 一切都会回到原来的轨迹上 and things would kinda resume their normal, uh, course. 然后突然间

 沃伦开始和一个 And then, suddenly, Warren"s talking to a guy 扎着马尾辫

 戴着蓝围巾的人说话 with a ponytail and a blue scarf. 还是紫围巾来着 Or was it a purple scarf? 那个人五十多岁 The guy was in his 50s. 白发

 穿着讲究 I mean, white hair, and well-dressed. 他给了我那张纸 He hands me the piece of paper, 然后就走了

 他连钱都没数 and that was that, he didn"t even count the money. 怎么样


 他怎么说 What"s up? What"d he say? What"d he say? 他不是买♥♥家 He wasn"t the buyer. 他给了我们一个联♥系♥方式 He gave us a contact. 销赃的 The fence. 所以那人不是销赃的 So, that guy wasn"t the fence? 我以为你说他是销赃的 I thought you said he was the fence. 应该不是 I guess not. 我们就... We just... 我们就花五百块买♥♥到一个邮箱账号♥吗 We spent $500 on an email address. 现在我们只要联♥系♥这个人 Now all we have to do is contact this guy. 他说他会讲英语 He says he speaks English.

 什么 What? 他... He"s... 去弄点吃的吧


 我冻死了 Let"s go get some food. Come on, I"m freezing. 他为什么会不会讲英语

 沃伦 Uh, why wouldn"t he speak English, Warren? 沃伦 Warren. "先生

 感谢你的邮件 "Sir, thank you for your email. 恐怕我们只接受当面交易 I"m afraid we only do business in person, 不过我们欢迎你在方便的时候带东西 but, we"ll welcome you and your items in the Netherlands 来荷兰一趟" at your earliest convenience." -我们得走了

 -去荷兰吗 - We have to go. - To Holland? 去荷兰 To the Netherlands. -能别闹了吗



 得等它烧光 - Can you stop? Warren? - No, I"m not stopping until it"s burned. -沃伦

 -这是证据 - Warren. - It"s evidence. 烫

 操 Hot. Motherfucker. 谢谢

 抱歉 Thank you. Sorry. 所以你想大老远去那里 So, you wanna go all the way over there, 见我们根本不了解的 to meet some actual criminals 真正的罪犯 we know nothing about, 跟他们聊一些我们根本没有的东西 to talk about something we don"t even have? 是的 Yes. 那你有什么建议 What"s your suggestion? 也许我们是该面对现实了 Maybe it"s time, you know, to face reality.

 也许我们做不到 Maybe it"s something we"re not able to do. 那我们就这么坐在这里什么都不干吗 So we"re just gonna sit here and do nothing? 真是太令人失望了 That is so disappointing. 我无法描述 I can"t even tell you. 你呢


 你最近学习怎么样 How about you, Spencer? You keeping your game up? 还行吧 Uh, not so much. 我在努力认真学习艺术方面的东西 I mean, I"m trying to take the whole art thing seriously. -是吗

 -嗯 - Yeah? - Yeah. 总得要学的

 对吧 Well, I guess somebody has to, huh? 不过


 儿子 But, you know, you wanna keep that blood pumping, son. 说到这个 And speaking of which, uh, 我上周遇到了伯特·莫里斯 I ran into Burt Morris last week, 他说你有几次练习没去 and he said you missed a couple of practice games. -嗯

 -沃伦 - Yeah. - Now, Warren, 你是拿奖学金进去的 you"re there on a scholarship. 也就是说

 你是要去打比赛的 And that"s what it means. You"re there to play. 我当初也是这样 I had it the same way. -操

 -天啊 - Fuck! - Jesus Christ. 你没事吧 You okay? 记住

 放弃者决不成功 Remember, quitters never win... -成功者决不放弃

 -斯宾塞 - And winners never quit. - Spencer. 这句话得好好记住 Yeah, something to live by.


 斯宾塞 So, how is your mom, Spencer? 她很好 Uh, she"s doing good. -很好


 -好的 - Good. You tell her I said hi, for me. - Yeah, I will. 我要和你谈谈 I need to speak with you, please. 什么


 苏 What, now, Sue? 现在吗 Now? 对不起

 小伙子们 Excuse me, guys. 我就想和孩子们吃顿晚餐 What I wanna do is just have dinner with the boys. 这是什么

 你抱着我的... What is this? You"re holding my... 我要和你父亲离婚 I"m divorcing your father. 对不起 I"m sorry. 然后

 我应该看了看斯宾塞 And then, I think I looked over at Spencer, and... 谁知道当时到底是怎么样的

 但他说 I mean, who knows if this is how it really went, but he said... 我记得他略惊讶了一下 I remember it being like, "Whoa." 我该走了 I should go now. 他在哭吗 Is he fucking crying? 你在哭吗 Are you fucking crying? 沃伦


 伙计 Warren, I"m gonna go, man. 我们走吧 Yeah, let"s go. 你应该好好咀嚼食物

 说真的 You should chew your food, man, seriously. 我们要继续我们的计划 We"re carrying on with the plan. 你在说什么 What are you talking about?



 然后离开 Holland. Amsterdam, and then gone. 沃伦

 你知道我不能去 Come on, Warren, you know I can"t go. 就算我想去 Even if I wanted to. 拜托

 伙计 Come on, man. 操 Fuck. 也许我能找点钱 Look, maybe I can, uh, find some money, 出一半机票的钱 and put it towards half the ticket. -真的吗

 -嗯 - Really? - Yeah. 但是 But, 只有你去 it"ll be only you going. 没事 That"s okay. 怎么了 What? -给我亲一下


 伙计 - Give me a kiss. - Don"t you even touch me, man. -好吧



 兄弟 - All right, bro. - Thanks, brother. -去吧

 -好 - Go get "em, all right? - Yeah. 国际出发 2004 年 3 月 5 日

 周五 我是大卫

 我和贝克曼先生一起工作 Hi, I"m David. I work with Mr. Beckman. 你们好 Hi. 我能坐下吗 You mind if I sit? -你们就是跟我们...

 -你手上有书 - You guys are the guys, that we... - You have some books, 还有一些画 and you have some paintings. 没错 That I do.

 没错 That I do. 我们马上就要得到 Now, uh, we have a number of items pertaining to, 一些东西

 所以我才来这里 the existence, for which I"m here. 那些书

 奥杜邦的 The books, the Audubons. 非常珍贵 They"re very rare. 是的 Yes. 所以我才来这里 That"s why I"m here. 所以你才来这里 That"s why you"re here 带着一张纸 with your piece of paper. 我不知道... Well, uh, I didn"t know... 贝克曼先生是你父亲 Mr. Beckman is your father? 不

 贝克曼先生是我的上司 No, uh, Mr. Beckman is my employer. 这家伙偷家里的东西 其实

 我们是有点亲属关系 Actually, we are kind of related. 他

 他其实是我 He"s, uh, he"s actually my, 我妈妈姐妹的丈夫 my mom"s sister"s husband, 所以他算是我的叔叔吧 which makes him sort of, uh, uncle. 你有鉴定书吗 You have authentication? 你说的鉴定书... Okay, when you say authentication... 我们收各种来源的东西 We take items from various sources, 只要有著名拍卖♥♥行 and we don"t inquire where they came from, 给出的鉴定书 as long as we have authentication 我们就不会质疑其来源

 with a very famous auction house. 那你的意思是

 只要有相应的鉴定书 So, you"re saying, with the correct authentications, 你就会对这些东西有兴趣 that these items would be of interest to you? 嗯 Yeah. 那么 So... 贝克曼先生听到这个结果肯定会很高兴 Mr. Beckman"s gonna be very pleased about this, by the way. Um... 我能问问

 大致 So, can I ask, roughly, 估计 in terms of, um... -我想应该很难...

 -给多少 - It"s hard, I imagine, to... - How much? 没错 Yes. 给多少 How much? 估价值的 30%到 40% Thirty to forty percent of the valuation price. 大概是几百万吧 That"s, um, millions of dollars, right? 是的 Yeah! 我在想

 你知道的 Look, I"ve been thinking just, uh, you know, 我们需要一艘更大的船 we"re gonna need a bigger boat. 我们需要一艘更大的船 We"re gonna need a bigger boat? 我们还需要找其他人 I mean, we"re gonna need somebody else. 我们为什么还需要找其他人 Why do we need someone else? 我们需要一些身怀绝技的人 We need somebody with skills that we don"t have. 一切擅长善后工作的人 Somebody who"s good with logistics, 还有象棋 and, chess. 肯塔基大学

 公认会计原则 Accepted accounting principles. 准则 Statements, 审计的准则 on auditing. 所以 1992 年 So, in 1992, 有了《审计准则公报 82》 we get SAS 82. 有人能解释一下这一准则的重要性吗 Anyone dare to explain the significance of this one? 博苏克先生 Mr. Borsuk. 我的专业是会计 I was majoring in accounting 因为我想去联调局工作 because I wanted a career at the FBI. 当时会计是他们接受本科毕业生的 At the time, that was only one of the two majors 两大专业之一 they accepted straight out of college. 真正的艾瑞克·博苏克 艾瑞克是个绅士 Eric was a gentleman. 是个好学生 A good student. 没有停顿 Gave me no pause, 或者让我担忧之类的 or concern, uh, whatsoever. 我一直觉得我... I always felt like I was, um, 是个独行侠

 出于某种原因 kind of a loner, for some reason. 《审计准则公报 82》 Um, yeah, um, SAS 82 规定审计员有责任 states that auditors have the duty 积极寻找诈骗 to actively look for fraud 如果找到

 那要不止上报 and not just report it if they find it. 没错

 That"s correct. 不过现实中不是那样的

 对吧 Except, in reality, it doesn"t always work like that, does it? 亚瑟·安德森 Arthur Andersen. 记得吗

 安然公♥司♥的审计员 Remember them? Auditors to Enron? 谢谢提醒

 博苏克先生 Um, thank you for that, Mr. Borsuk. 所以 2002 年

 出现了《审计准则公报 99》 So, in 2002, that leads us to SAS 99... 别拒接我的电♥话♥ Don"t cancel me. 见鬼

 你来这里干什么 Shit! What the fuck are you doing here? 我需要跟你谈谈 I need to talk to you. 但不是在这里 But not here. 晚九点

 万福 我和沃伦失去了联♥系♥

 我们闹翻了 Warren and I lost touch. We had a falling out. 我们已经有大概三个月没说话了 Been about three months since we had last spoken. 我们不是不说话了吗 I thought that we weren"t speaking. 什么

 等等 What? Wait. 不不不 No. Uh, no, no, no, no. 我们能让过去的蠢事过去吗 Can we just agree and put all that stupid shit behind us, please? 真心的 I mean, no. 你好啊

 伙计 So, what"s up, man? 什么这么神神秘秘的 What"s with all the mystery? 我有很严肃的事跟你说 I"m here to talk to you about something deadly serious. 我就知道你肯定要什么东西 I figured you must want something. 其实我是来给你东西的 Actually, I came to offer you something.


 -真的 - Oh, really? Yeah? - Yeah. 别人我都信不过 There"s no one else I could trust with this. 你要么干要么不干

 就现在 You"re either in or you"re out, right now. 你不先告诉我 How can I tell you if I"m in or I"m out 到底是什么事

 我怎么告诉你 without you telling me the first thing about 我♥干♥还是不干 what I might be in or out of. 我只需要你说"原则上" I would just need you to say "In principle," okay? 因为这事可能不太合法 Because this might be something not exactly legal. 而且有可能 And there"s a chance 我们得抛开一切 that we would have to leave everything behind. 你说"不合法"... Okay, when you say "Not legal"... 我就说这一次 I"m gonna say this one time, and one time only. 你要么干要么不干

 就现在 You"re either in or you"re out. Right now. 我需要知道更多 I"m gonna need more than this one. 你得先说干还是不干 Not till you commit. 这事会有危险 This would be something dangerous, 很刺♥激♥ and very fucking exciting, 我需要你参与 that I need you to be a part of. 这有可能改变一切 This could change everything. 这是你的决定性时刻

 朋友 This is your red pill or blue pill moment, my friend. 大学如何 How"s college? 今晚就得去干吗 Would we have to go tonight?


 因为我知道 I think I was just saying yes, because I knew that, 我想... I wanted to, um, 我无比想重拾我们的友谊 regain our friendship more than anything. 你负责的是什么 So what"s your part? 这就是你派上用场的时候 This is partly where you come in. 麻烦你帮我看看 Just take a look for me, please. -晚上干不行

 -什么 - It can"t be done at night. - What? 一天中唯一 What"s the one time a day 没人应该在里面的时刻是什么 when no one"s supposed to be in the building? 晚上去不触发警报是不可能的 It"d be impossible to get in without triggering the alarms. 所以必须白天干 It would have to be done during the day. 看到了吧 See? 我就知道你适合干这个 I knew you were the man for this. 看看他

 简直如鱼得水 Look at him. Just like a fish in water. 是啊 Sure. 我们就大白天进去抢东西吧 Let"s just walk in there in broad daylight and rob the place. 对了

 抢的时候 Oh, yeah, well, while you"re at it, 还会顺便炸了餐厅

 是吧 you"re gonna dynamite the canteen, right? 你说这个特别馆里 How many cameras, did you say were 有多少摄像头 in the special collections room? 他们肯定会从校园保安室 Because they"re gonna be watching everything 监视一切 from the campus safety office.


 警报器 The cameras, the alarms. 他们要知道有谁进出 They"re gonna know who"s coming in and out. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 记笔记

 你说的很有用 I"m taking notes. This is good stuff. 你是智障吗 Are you fucking retarded? 不 No. 你为什么不直接发邮件问联调局 Why don"t you just email the FBI and ask them 他们从哪里提取我们的指纹 where they have access to leave our fingerprints? 那样他们的工作会容易点 You can make it easy for them. 我们需要知道是谁 Guys, we need to find out who"s watching 在何时监视特别馆 the special collections room and when. 我同意 I concur with that. 请进 Come in. 体育主任 -坐吧


 -好 - Take a seat, Warren. - Okay. 你应该知道为什么叫你来吧 I assume you know why you"re here. 比尔·威尔顿 并不知道

 老师 Not really, sir. 好吧

 利普卡先生 Right. Mr. Lipka, 你是拿运动奖学金进的我们学校 you came here on an athletic scholarship. 或许你觉得这没什么大不了 Perhaps it doesn"t seem like a particularly big deal to you. 不


 老师 No, sir, it does. 那你表现的方式很搞笑啊 Well, son, you have a funny way of showing it.

 我已经警告过你无数次 Because I warned you countless times 不参加练习的后果会是什么了 what would happen if you continue to fail to show up. 助理教练怀疑可能是因为毒品或酒精 Assistant coach suspects drugs or alcohol may be involved. 我非常不想 Now, it pains me 看到你丢掉奖学金 to see you lose this scholarship. 但是你父亲 But it"s gonna pain and 可能更不想看到这种情况发生 probably embarrass your father a whole lot more. 所以你还是想想 So you might wanna reflect on 那样的话他会多么失望吧 what that kind of disappointment will mean for him. 对 Yeah. 确实会让人失望 That will be a disappointment. 说实话 Thing is, 我从五岁起就开始努力进队了 I worked to get on that team, since I was about five. 而且我完全不知道为什么 And I have absolutely no idea why. 说实话

 老师 To be honest, sir, 我觉得这里让人非常失望 I think this whole place is a disappointment. 我觉得你让人失望 I think you"re a disappointment. 我觉得这整个该死的镇子 And I think this whole goddamn town, 让人失望之极 is a disappointment. 滚出去 Get out. 没别的事了吗 Is that it? 那里的摄像头并不是摄像头 The cameras aren"t cameras.

 而是烟雾报♥警♥器 They"re motion detectors. 我们会发邮件给图书馆 We"re gonna email the library, 要求我们到的时候能看到奥杜邦的 asking to have the Audubon and the illuminated manuscript 泥金装饰手抄本作品 on display when we arrive. 到时候会放在这里和这里 They will be here and here. 能别碰模型吗 Can you please not touch the model? 谢谢 Thanks. 如我所说 As I was saying. 这里是第一目标 Back here, is target priority number one, 奥杜邦的作品 the Audubon. 展示柜后面就是一扇 Now, directly behind the display case is a doorway 通往员工电梯的门 which leads to a ...

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