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《追猎(2022 )》完整中英文对照剧本

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 "最近不紧不慢地下了几场雨" "...the last rains came gently, "但它们不足以滋润这干裂的大地" "and they did not cut the scarred earth. "农民的犁来来回♥回♥的划过雨水留下的痕迹" "The plows crossed and recrossed the rivulet marks. "借助最后一场雨

 田埂里的玉米" "The last rains lifted the corn quickly "连同散落在这大地上" "and scattered weed colonies and "和沿着路边的野草也都开始疯长起来" grass along the sides of the roads "那个灰色" "so that the gray country "和暗红色交杂的田野开始渐渐消失" "and the dark red country began to disappear..." 追猎 今天听牧师布道了吗 You listened to the sermon today? 听了 Yes, sir. 然后呢 And? 不知道 I don"t know. 不知道 I don"t know? "不知道"并不是一个确切的答案

 孩子 "I don"t know," is not much of an answer, boy. 简直让人昏昏欲睡 Ah, pulled in nap time. 我不喜欢那个牧师的花言巧语 I don"t care much for the Reverend"s rhetoric. 事实上

 我确定他的老牧师♥父♥亲 In fact, I"m sure his papi, Reverend senior 要是听到他在上帝的圣殿里的某些说辞 would be rolling in his grave for some of 在坟墓里都会不得安生 the utterings coming out of his mouth in the house of the Lord. 我想你我都理解 But I think we both understand

 他想表达什么意思 what he was basically getting at. 是这样的 I think so. 奥斯卡

 你要明白 You see, Oscar, 一个男人总有一天是要挺身而出的 there comes a time when a man"s gotta step up, son. 不为自己 Not so much for himself, 而为了他人的幸福 but for the betterment of others. 你明白我的意思吗 You understand what I mean? 当那天来临的时候 And when that time comes, 作为男人

 我们义不容辞 we as men, we have to be ready to oblige it. -晚餐非常棒


 -谢谢 - It"s a mighty fine meal, Jo. - Thank you. -谢谢妈妈


 宝贝 - Thanks, Mom. - You"re welcome, honey. 奥斯卡

 你想把这个给卢送去吗 Oscar, you"re gonna run this over to Loux? 乔瑟芬

 别一直把我们的东西给别人 Josephine, do not be giving away what"s ours. 奥古斯都

 不然这些孩子就没得吃了 Augustus, those children won"t eat otherwise. 把这个拿给他们

 快点回来 Take this to them and hurry home. 好的 Yeah. 到我这来

 孩子 Come over here, boy. 别在那边逗留 Don"t be lagging. 我不想让你粘上 I don"t want you catching whatever 那房♥子里的任何脏东西

 好吗 virus lingers in that house, all right? 没问题

 Yes, sir. 门没锁 It"s open. -你好


 -你好 - Hey, Oscar. - Hey. 嗨

 小屁孩 Hey, dove. 你拿的什么 What you got there? 我妈准备的食物 It"s chop from my mum. -卢


 -好的 - Loux, why don"t you go crank up the stove? - All right. -带上你的弟弟

 -阿莫斯 - Take your brother in there. - Amos. 儿子 Boy. 没听见吗


 去帮一下你姐姐 Did you not hear me? Get your ass in there and help your sister. -带着你的屁♥股♥去厨房♥

 -嘿 - Get your ass in there! - Hey! 你是个愚蠢的小混♥蛋♥

 对吗 Hey! You"re a daft little fucker, ain"t you? 奥斯卡 Oscar. 过来

 小子 Come here, boy. 帮我办点事 Why don"t you do something for me now? 回去告诉你♥爸♥爸我不要他的施舍 I want you to tell that daddy of yours I don"t need his givings. 我不要他或者你妈妈的可怜施舍 I don"t need his nor your mom"s backhanded charity. 明白了吗 You understand me? 卢


 把吃的还给奥斯卡 Loux, cut the stove off, give the feast back to Oscar. -但是



 按我说的做 - But, Dad... - Just do it, baby. 听到了吗 You heard me.

 但是 But... 照我说的做 Do what I say. 拿着

 带回家去 Here, take it back. 滚出我的房♥子 Get the fuck out of my house. 滚 Go! 宝贝 吃完早餐自己收拾干净 把送奶瓶收起来 晚上见 爱你的妈妈 卢 Loux? 卢 Loux! 阿莫斯 Amos? -你还好吧

 -嗯 - You okay? - Yeah. 发生了什么 What happened? 坐到我身边 Come sit with me. 靠近点 Get in there. 你知道我爱你

 对吗 You know I love you, right? 你会爱我吗 Will you love me? 我不会让任何人伤害你 No one will ever hurt you. 你会变得非常漂亮

 知道吗 You getting to be real pretty, you know that? 我没注意到你已经长的这么大了 I didn"t notice how much you"ve grown up. 我没法阻止他 I couldn"t stop him.

 你必须做点什么 You have to do something. 你什么意思 What do you mean? 我们无处可去 There"s nowhere else for us to go. 你可以去外面生活 You could live out here. 没人告诉你该怎么做 No one telling you what to do. 你能听见吗 Can you hear them? 他们随风而来 They"re in the wind. 他们的尖叫 Their screams. 在我们之前

 他们已经在这儿了 They were here long before us. 并且他们永恒不灭 And they will be forever. 没事的 It"s okay. 没事的 It"s okay. 我一直想把这个送给你 I have been wanting to give you this. 这是我妈妈的

 我爸不让我戴它 It was my mom"s. My dad won"t let me wear it. 我想让你戴着它 I want you to have it. 让我帮你戴上 Let me help you. 又抓到一个未成年人

 珂恩 Got another minor, Keryn. 看看你

 你只是个宝宝 Look at you. You"re just a baby. 今晚我们人手不太够 We"re short-staffed tonight. 没关系

 我带他去 6 号♥室 That"s fine. I"ll take him to Six. 走吧


 Come on, boy. 寻人启事 奥斯卡·格雷 帮帮我们 又是一个寻人启事 I got another one for you. 是昨天晚上来的那个男孩吗 Is that the boy who came in last night? 你觉得这孩子像个杀人犯吗

 珂恩 Does that kid look like a murderer to you, Keryn? 不

  他不像 No, he doesn"t. 上边说这孩子也是从湿地附近来的 Says this one"s from out near the marsh too. 一个小孩怎么能在晚上走一百英里 How is a kid gonna get a hundred miles away overnight? 你认为他有同伙吗 Think he"s got accomplices? 你觉得这是一个犯罪团伙吗 You think there"s a conspiracy here? 我不清楚 I don"t know. 看第一眼我就觉得他俩是同一个人 They"re all starting to look the same to me. 不打扰您了 I"ll leave you to it. 小子 Boy. 走吧 Go on. "奥斯卡" "Oscar, "吃完早餐自己收拾干净" "Clean up after yourself and "把送奶瓶收起来

 晚上见" put the milk delivery away. We"ll see you tonight. "爱你的妈妈" "Love, Mom." 我叫桃子 I"m Peaches. 你饿吗

 You hungry? 吃吧 Go ahead. 跟我来 Come on. 别担心

 跟我来 Don"t worry. Come on. 你父母在哪 Where are your parents? 我三岁的时候妈妈死了

 我从来没见过我父亲 My mom died when I was three. I never knew my father. 我有个地方住

 有人照管我 I have a place to live, people who look out for me. 现在问题是

 你家住哪 Now, the real question is where do you live? 小心脚下 Watch your step. 你先进 After you. 瞧瞧谁来了 Well, look who it is. 还知道回来 Took her forever to get back. 尽管还是像上次那样想逃离这里 Thought she tried to run away again like last time. 大伙

 这是奥斯卡 Fellas, this is Oscar. 奥斯卡


 流浪儿收♥容♥所♥ Oscar, this is my family of broken toys. 斯韦 Sway? 斯韦 Sway! 进来吧 Come in. 不

 不行 No. No. No! 这儿没他的地方 No room for him. 斯韦


 他无处可去 Sway, come on. He"s got nowhere to go.

 我说了不行 Said no. 天啊

 能请您看他一眼吗 God, will you please just take a look? 我在车站外边找到他的 I found him outside the station. 别特么这么懒 Quit being so fucking lazy. 听听这位女士说的话 Oh, listen to the lady. 现在让我好好看看你 Now let me have a look at you. 我像小羊的耳朵一样温柔 I"m gentle as a lamb"s ear. 他的名字叫奥斯卡 His name is Oscar. 我明白了 Ah, I see. 你知道自己名字的含义吗

 孩子 Do you know what your name means, boy? 不 No. 奥斯卡 Oscar, uh, 手握圣矛的最强勇士 divine spear, champion warrior. 你是个勇士

 对吗 You are a champion, aren"t you? 来自贵族 Noble. 你做了唯真男人才能做的决定

 而非小孩 You"ve made decisions only a man should make, not a boy. 这是与生俱来的勇气 Should be a natural. 比利 Billy. 我知道

 我知道 Uh... I know, I know. 你知道什么

 内维尔 You know what, Neville? 不该到这儿来

 Not to come here. 但你知道

 我了解 But I do understand, you know, 你喜欢这里的氛围和这里的一切

 所以 you liking the ambience and all, so... -内维尔

 -怎么了 - Neville. - What? 好吧


 我这来了一个新男孩 Right. Well, it"s about the new boy. 好吧 All right. 这样的话

 你带他去办公室就行了 Well, you just bring him by the office. 他有家 He has family. 他不告诉我他从哪来的 He ain"t told me where he"s from, 但他不是城里来的孩子 but he"s not from the city. 所以

 你明白的 So... You know, 我想说

 我们没有多余的房♥间 I mean, I was thinking that we don"t have the room. 你知道吗 You see, 这就是为什么我要把筛选的工作交给弗兰 this is why I leave the selection process to Flan. 如果交给你

 这尼玛就成开宠物乐园了 If this was your show, we"d be running a goddamn petting zoo. 我只是想 I was just thinking that... 别再想了

 内维尔 Well, don"t be thinking, Neville. 思考不是你的长项

 好吗 It ain"t what you do good, okay? 你想见那孩子一面吗 Look... Do you want to meet him? -你带他来了


 我带他来了 - You brought him here? - Yeah, I did. 耶稣大人啊 Oh, Jesus Christ.


 我只是 What? I just... 你这 Well... 好吧

 我带他过来 All right, look, I"ll go get him. 到这来


 过来 Come here, come here. Come on, come on. 他们对你好吗 They treatin" you all right? -快回答他


 先生 - Go ahead, answer him. - Yes, sir. 很好 Good. 你给我把眼睛睁大了 You just keep your eyes open. 或许能学到点什么 Maybe you"ll learn a thing or two. 没问题

 明白 Okay, all right. Okay. 出去吧 Go on out. 我喜欢这小孩


 他留下 I like him. Oh, he stays. 太好了 Goddamnit. 好极了 Goddamnit! 内维尔

 你的心脏怎么样了 How"s the ticker, Neville? 像瑞士表的指针一样强劲有力 Running like a Swiss watch. 比利 Billy. 去吧

 你知道该怎么做 Go! You know what to do. 你呢 And you? 我们这里提供的是一种培训 So what we provide here is an education. 也是一种生活方式

 A way of life. 但只适合狼群 Fit only for wolves. 先生 Sir... 没错


 然后 Oh, yeah, down there and... 而我


 或者说导师 And me, I"m the headmaster, or the conductor. 砰 Bloop! 看看你周围 Look around. 你看见了什么 What do you see? 头脑简单的人类 Simple-minded people. 飞速转动的齿轮 Cogs in the wheel. 电视


 广♥告♥牌 Television, magazines, billboards. 一些普通人的梦想 Other people"s dreams. 有人告诉他们如何观察

 怎样思考与感受 They"ve been told how to look, think, feel. 但他们从来没有自己的思想 They"ve never had an original thought. 你知道是什么把我们和他们区别开来吗 You know what separates us from them? 是绝境给予我们的天赋 The gift of desperation. 科顿



 你负责珠宝 Cotton, count the money. Lollie, the stone. 所以

 你觉得你有天赋吗 So... you think you got this in you? 我觉得他有 I think he does. 有人问你了吗 Did anyone ask you? 你那有多少 What you got here?

 217 美元 Two hundred and seventeen dollars. 217 美元

 非常感谢你 Two hundred and seventeen dollars. Thank you very much. 等我一分钟 Oh. Give me a minute. 你拿来了什么 What you got? 你应该看看 Something you should see. 还真是 Oh. That"s... 非常不幸 very unfortunate. 你打算怎么处理 What are you gonna do about it? 全部处理干净 Make it disappear. 恐怕没那么容易 That might not be so easy. 会有人来找他的 People might be coming after him. 你♥他♥妈♥做好自己的事就行了 Just do your fucking job. 屌♥什么屌♥ Prick. Fucking prick. 跟上 Come on. -你去那边

 -好 - You go there. - Okay. 找到什么了吗 Hey, find anything? 没有 No. 靠


 快走 Shit. Come on, let"s go. 快走

 他们来了 Go, go, go, they"re coming. 小公主

 给你 Here you go, princess. 谢谢

 Thank you. 拿着吧 Keep it. -你买♥♥的什么味道的

 -泡泡糖 - What flavor did you get? - Bubblegum. 等等

 你想吃点什么吗 Oh, wait. Do you want anything? 不用了

 你吃吧 No, no, no. I"m good, I"m good. You just enjoy yourself. 泡泡糖 Bubblegum. 新来的那小子做的怎么样 How"s new boy working out? 还不错

 学习中 He"s all right. Learning. 他喜欢你

 你也喜欢他的那种吗 He like you, you like him kinda thing? 怎么可能 I wouldn"t say that. 那就好 Well, that"s good. I like that. 你得小心点 You gotta be a little careful. 小心什么 Careful how? 你知道的

 你我都没那么特殊 You know, you and me, we ain"t that different. 我一直这么觉得 I come up in this. -是吗

 -是啊 - You did? - Yep. 我和斯韦 Me and Sway. 我差不多你这么大的时候遇到他的 I was about your age when I met him. 他那时候是什么样子 What was he like back then? 和现在差不多 Kinda like he is now, 甚至还有点退步

 你敢相信吗 except, little bit more run down, if you can believe that.


 现在还没改掉 Yeah, he"s got the same problem now as he had when I met him. -比如说

 -心太大了 - And what"s that? - His heart"s too big. 你要谨慎决定你这一生能信任的人 You gotta be careful who you trust in this life. 你知道我在说什么吧 You see what I"m saying, don"t you? 差不多吧 I think so. 你知道我现在为什么是这个样子吗 You know why I am the way I am? 因为我总想要更多 "Cause I wanted more. 但是我从没问过

 就那么拿走了 And I wasn"t gonna ask for it. I just took it. 你要知道

 大部分人 You know, most people in this life, 他们一生都在为别人工作 they spend their whole lives working for somebody else. 你不想被踩倒 You don"t wanna get stepped on, 有时候你就得做些违心的事 sometimes you gotta take this out of it. 你得抓住你想要的东西 You gotta just grab what you want. 因为没人会把它送到你手上 Ain"t nobody gonna give it to you. 你明白我在说什么吗 You understand what I"m saying? 我懂 Yeah, I do. 聪明姑娘 Smart girl. -给你

 -谢谢 - There you go. - Thank you. 我喜欢这样 I like this. 是吗 Oh, you do? 我是想说


 Well, I mean, what"s not to like? 想要的东西手到擒来

 做事也无拘无束 We have everything we need, we do whatever we want. 你想念过你的家人吗 Do you ever miss your family? 我的家人可不欢迎我 My family didn"t want me. 所以我也不想他们 And I don"t want them. 更何况

 现在我们有彼此了 Besides, now we have each other. 是啊 Yeah. 你想他们了

 是不是 You miss them, don"t you? 听着

 你做的事是对的 Look, you did the right thing, okay? 而且如果他们知道了

 也会这么觉得的 And if they knew the truth, they would think so too. -那个女孩子

 -卢 - And that girl... - Loux. 卢 Loux. 她永远都不会忘记你为她做了什么 She won"t ever forget what you did for her. 你相信命运吗

 奥斯卡 Do you believe in fate, Oscar? 我不清楚

 那是什么 I don"t know. What"s that? 就是 It"s like... 所有一切都遵循着既定的轨道 Everything happens the way it"s supposed to. 无论好坏 Bad and good. 那我相信 I think so. 我也相信 Okay, well, I do. 而且 And...


 总有一天卢会找到你的 I believe that someday Loux will find you. 真的吗 Really? 当然 Yeah. 但是现在

 你有我 But, for now, you have me. 并且我相信

 是某些东西让我们相遇的 And I believe that something brought us together. 我们要互相支持

 好吗 We just have to stick together, okay? 好 Yes. 还有最后一件事 Now there"s just one more thing. 感觉不错

 是不是 See? That wasn"t so bad, right? 是啊 Yeah. 从现在开始

 我要叫你"O" I think I"m gonna call you "O" from now on. 可以吗 Is that okay? 当然 Yeah. 你不会离开我的


 O You won"t disappear on me, right, O? 绝不 Never. 你发誓 Promise me. 我发誓 I promise. 很好 Good. 今天道上怎么样 How"d you do at the track today? 不太好 Not good. 早就告诉过你了


 Told you, Bird. 有前科的可不能信 Can"t trust a white stain. -我再给你拿一杯

 -不用了 - Uh, let me get you another. - I"m fine. 才晚了半小时

 真不错 Nice of you to show up a half hour late 让我和这个混♥蛋♥一起待着 and leave me alone with this cocksucker. 议员先生 Congressman. 现在有一个问题 There"s a problem. 突然觉得

 或许我应该喝那杯酒 Come to think of it, maybe I will take that drink. 当然 Sure. 别忘了柠檬片 Don"t forget the twist. 这孩子身上的事不小 Kid made quite a mess. 确实 Sure did. 斯韦似乎想让我们放他走 Sway seems to think we should cut him loose. 那不可能 Yeah, that ain"t gonna happen. 这是哪 What is this place? 马上就知道了 You"ll see. 你想过说走就走的旅行吗 You ever think about just getting up and going? 堪萨斯就不错 Maybe Kansas City. 你吃过堪萨斯的烤肉吗

 那可是顶级的 You"ve ever had barbecue from Kansas City? It"s the best! 樱桃派呢 Huh? Cherry pie. 我不知道 I don"t know.


 是不是 You"re in love, ain"t you? 没错了 Yeah. 不错嘛 Wow. 年轻人的爱情

 没有比这更美好的事了 Young love. Ain"t nothing better than that. 也没有什么比这更差劲了 Ain"t nothing worse either. 它会害死你的 It can kill you. 是啊

 确实 Yeah, that"s true. 你这小子 Oh, boy! 来吧 Okay, come on. 重点就在于保持平衡 It"s all about balance, okay? 握住这里

 然后把这个 Take this thing and put it right here, 放在你的肩窝里 in the crook of your shoulder. 好的 Okay. 像这样拿着 Hold it like that. -你试试

 -好 - You try it. - Okay. 你得确保现在能稳稳地拿住它 You got to make sure you hold it steady now. 好孩子 Good girl. 看起来不错 Looks good. 嘿

 伯德 Hey, Bird. 斯韦

 伯迪正在教我怎么猎猪 Sway, Birdie"s teaching me how to go hog hunting. 很好


 Uh, that"s nice, sweetie. 把枪指着他的肚子 Why don"t you just point it right at his belly? 他的个头和猪差不多 It"s kinda the same size as the hog. 桃子告诉我你一点就通 Peaches here tells me you"re a quick learner. 确实


 对吧 That"s right, he is, right? 对 Yeah. 很好 Well, that"s good. 伙计

 有一大堆人在追捕你 Man, you got a shitload of people after you. 警♥察♥ Police. 上面说的是 It says here... 你杀了一个男人 you killed a man. 我相信你事出有因 And I"m sure you had your reasons, 但是

 你想回去面对那一片狼藉吗 but... I mean, do you wanna go back and face a mess like that? 我可以摆平这件事 I can make this whole thing go away. 我认为你和我们一起会成大器的 I think you"d do real good here with us. 你懂他说的话了吗

 孩子 You understand what he"s saying to you, son? 懂了 Yes. 你是个聪明的孩子 You"re a smart boy. 好了 All right. 我们单独谈谈吧 Why don"t you give us a minute? 什么 Uh, what?


 你留下 Neville, you stay. 怎么了 What"s up? 我们一起处事多少年了

 内维尔 How many years we go back, Neville? 在工作中你总是一副胜利者的姿态 You"ve always been a champion of the work that we do here. 你知道吗 You know? 我不能让你违背这项工作 I just can"t have you deviating from the job. 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 那个男孩 That boy. 你自己想想 You got your reservations about whether 他该走该留 he should stay or whether he should go. 你到底在说什么

 有什么理由 What are you talking about? "Cause I"ve given you no cause... 保险栓在旁边 Safety"s next. 要确保保险栓是关着的

 在这儿 Make sure the safety is off. That"s this thing right here. -好

 -好孩子 - Okay. - Atta girl. 好了 Yeah, uh... 别玩了

 行吗 Just quit playing, all right? 当你觉得前面有一只猪时 And when you feel like you got a hog in your sights, 你只需要扣动扳机 you just pull that trigger. 奥斯卡

 我不知道枪上了膛 Oscar, I didn"t know the gun was loaded. 我

 我不知道枪上了膛 I didn"t... I didn"t know the gun was loaded, okay? 我他妈不知道

 I didn"t fucking know! 没事

 桃子 It"s okay, Peaches. 没事的 It"s okay. 孩子

 去找他 Go get her, son. 奥斯卡


 看着我 Hey, Oscar, look at me. Look at me. 没事的

 要司空见惯 It"s okay. These things happen. 懂吗 All right? 好了

 带他走 All right, get him out of here, 回来后再收拾残局 and run back and clean this shit up. 乐意效劳 You know I will. 15 年后 谢谢 Thank you. 雷诺私♥人♥侦♥探♥ 打扰一下 Excuse me? 我是莱斯特

 雷诺的私♥人♥侦♥探♥ I"m Lester. Rineau Private Eye. 有什么可以帮你的 What can I do for you? 我是来面试的

 我们通过电♥话♥ I"m here for the interview. We spoke on the phone. 对 Oh, yeah. 进来坐吧 Well, come on in. Have a seat. 抱歉

 这里一团糟 Sorry about the mess. 所以 So, uh, 你有任何关于侦探的经历吗 you have any experience in the detective field?




 我以为招的是秘书 No, sir, I don"t. I thought the ad was for a secretary? 当然

 是的 Of... Of course, yeah. 说说你自己吧 Uh, well, tell me a little bit about yourself. 我几周前才搬到这 Well, I just moved here a few weeks ago. 我大多数都在餐厅上班 I have mostly worked at restaurants, 但上一家餐厅倒闭了 but the last diner I was at went out of business, 所以我想尝试些新工作 so I thought I would try something new. 我学东西很快的 Um, but I"m a really quick learner. 我只需要一个人

 每天按时出现在这里 I just need somebody to be punctual, present, 把电♥话♥接起来 answer the phone. -可以搞定吗


 我可以 - Think you can handle that? - Yes. Yeah, I can. 好

 那我们明早 8 点见 Great. Then I"ll see you tomorrow at 8:00. 好


 明早 8 点见 Oh, okay. Okay, great. I"ll see you tomorrow at 8:00. 十分感谢 Uh, thank you so much. 先生

 打扰一下 Uh, excuse me, sir, uh... 你知道南大街在哪儿吗 Do you know where South Main Street is? 南大街在这边 South Main Street is this way. 钱包 Okay... wallet. -好

 -赶紧的 - Okay... - Hurry up! 好

 好 All right. All right. 我马上拿


 I"m gonna get to that. One second. 我所有东西都在口袋里 I just got all this stuff in my pockets and... 他妈的

 你们怎么回事 The fuck is wrong with you? 拿好你们的枪 Take your weapon. 谁能来给我指正他们的错误 Who could tell me what they did wrong? 蠢货

 他们靠太近了 Suckers! They came too close. 看着


 给我枪 Look, let me show you how it"s done. Give me the gun. 来吧 Come on. 拿枪指着我 Point it at me. 如果事与愿违


 上膛 Things are not moving fast enough, then you cock it. Cock it. 如果他还是不为所动 If he don"t move after that, 那你就有麻烦了 that"s when you have a real problem. 这个时候

 这个时候是你找他麻烦 That"s when... That"s when you get in his face. 你要给他施压 That"s when you put the heat on him. 让他知道你疯了 Show him that you"re crazy. 听着

 这是一门艺术 Look, there is an art to this. 我可不想你们出什么事 I don"t want anything to happen to you kids. 专注点

 伙计们 Focus, guys, come on. -要全神贯注


 老大 - Eyes open all the time, even when they"re closed. - Yes, sir. 好了


 走吧 All right, let"s get something to eat. Come on. 我喜欢你的想法 I like the way you think.

 我希望你早点到 I need for you to get there early, 拿到支票 get their money orders. 他们一般中午前来取 They usually come pick "em up before noon. 孩子

 我知道你不喜欢这份工作 I know you don"t like this job, son. 这可能是我们最后一次了 It"s probably the last time we"re gonna do it. 但我们得保证收支平衡

 不是吗 But we gotta keep the checkbooks balanced, don"t we? 你去拿我记下的东西 You pickin" up what I"m putting down? 我会去


 但我觉得这不是个好主意 I"m pickin" it up, Bird, but I don"t think it"s a good idea. 我们还没准备好

 会有人受伤的 We"re not ready. Someone"s gonna get hurt. 我们第一次靠的是运气 We got lucky the first time. 我是在询问你吗 You don"t think I"m asking you, do you? 我们会去办的 We"ll get it done. 很好 Good. 但你觉得

 桃子到底怎么回事 But what in the fuck do you think is going on with Peaches? 什么意思 What do you mean? 就是


 她看起来不想 It"s just... She don"t... She don"t seem to 再集体行动了 wanna do nothing as a group anymore. 她好像想一个人离开 She just wants to go off on her own, 她一直在问我要她的那份钱 she keeps bugging me about her end of the money. -她说的吗

 -她说的 - She said that? - She said that. 你没注意到吗

 You ain"t noticed this shit? 我不清楚

 伯德 I don"t know, Bird. 女人啊 Fuckin" women, man. 到了一定的年龄 Get to be a certain age, 他们开始孤注一掷了 they start getting all desperate and shit, 他们开始做出愚蠢的选择了 they start making stupid choices. 帮我个忙 Do me a favor. 盯紧她 Keep a close eye on her, will you? 好 Okay. 好了


 O All right. Thanks, O. O

 等一下 Hey, O. 你知道你是我的得力干将吗 You know you"re my right hand, right? 你知道没人能像你一样得我信任 You know there ain"t nobody I trust like you. 没有你

 这一切都是浮云 Without you, this whole thing goes away. 我明白

 伯德 I hear you, Bird. 好的 All right. 桃子 Peaches. 他怎么回事 The fuck is up with him? 什么意思 What do you mean? 我不知道 I don"t know. 他感觉有些疏远

 不是吗 He seems kinda distant, right?

 他可能迷失在他那愚蠢的书里 He"s probably just lost in one of his stupid books. 不


 不是这个 No, no, it ain"t that. 就像

 他想手拿大权 Just like, he wants to do everything on his own. 他不想再加入我们了 He don"t wanna be part of the group no more. 你知道

 人啊 You know, men... 到了一定的年龄段 They get to be a certain age, 就会自以为是 they get delusions of grandeur. 他们总想大权独揽 They wanna run everything by themselves. 可以帮我盯着他吗 Keep an eye on him for me? 当然

 我会的 Of course, I will. 这才是我的好女孩 That"s my girl. 你知道吗

 你是我的得力干将 You know you"re my right hand man, right? 你是我我唯一可以信任的人 You"re the only one around here I can trust. 我明白

 爸爸 I know, daddy-o. 好 Fine. 你在看什么 What are you reading? 《雷鸣小子》 Rumble Fish. 谁写的 Who is it by? -S.E. 辛顿写的

 -S.E. 辛顿 - It"s S.E. Hinton. - S.E. Hinton? 对

 S.E. 辛顿 Yeah, S.E. Hinton. 他很厉害吗

 Is he good? 是"她"

 不是"他" It"s a... It"s a she, not a he. 听起来像个男孩子的名字 Sounds like a boy"s name. -我想这也是个重点

 -什么意思 - I think that"s the point. - What do you mean? 我认为她想别人把她当男孩 I think she wanted people to think she was a boy. 她为什么会这么想 Well, why would she want that? 这样他们才会更重视他 So they would take her more seriously. 吻我 Kiss me. 你有没有想过

 离开这个地方 Do you ever think about, like, just leaving this place, like, 自己去做点事 to do something on our own? 你在说什么 What are you saying? 我说

 你有过这个想法吗 I"m saying, have you ever thought about it? 你说过你不会离开我的 You said you won"t disappear on me. 我不是要离开你 I"m not going to disappear on you. 你要我说多少遍 How many times do you want me to say it? 什么 What? 没什么 Nothing. -嗨


 -早上好 - Hi, good morning. - Morning. 你♥他♥妈♥干了什么 What the fuck did you do? 你没在 You weren"t here. 我就把这里整理了一下 I figured I"d fix the place up a little bit.

 什么 Wha... 有问题吗 Is something wrong? 所有东西都是按照我的意思摆放的 I had everything exactly the way I wanted it. 不准碰我的东西 Nobody touches this desk! 听着

 不如你 Look, why don"t you just... 现在先回家吧

 走吧 go home for the rest of the day? Just go. -快走


 我真的很抱歉 - Go! - Okay, I"m, I"m really sorry. 不要忘了我跟你们说的

 好吗 Now, don"t anyone forget anything, all right? 好了

 失落男孩们 All right. Lost Boys. -直到永远

 -直到永远 - Till the end. - Till the end. Till the end. 全都趴下 Get down! 趴在地上 Get down on the floor. 惊不惊喜

 傻♥逼♥们 Surprise, motherfucker! 老老实实趴在地上

 听见没 Get your ass on the ground. You hear? 别乱动 Don"t fucking move! 趴地上 Stay fucking down. 所有人都他妈趴地上 Everyone down on the fucking ground. 好了

 快他妈行动 Okay, let"s fucking go. 快行动

 快 Let"s fucking go. Come on! 快点趴地上

 他妈的快点 Get down right now! Hurry the fuck up! 好了


 Okay, that"s just so that you know this is a real gun, 上了膛的 that it"s loaded 我们也不是来闹着玩的 and that we are not fucking around. 快点行动


 快点 Come on, come on. Move, move, move, move. 快他妈过来 Get your fucking asses over there. 好了

 你们在电视上也见过 All right, you"ve seen this on TV. 也知道流程 You know the drill. 趴下

 腹部着地趴下 Lie down. Lie the fuck down on your stomach. 掌心朝下 Palms down. 准备好了吗

 失落男孩们 Right, Lost Boys? 准备好了 Yeah! 经理他妈的去哪了 Where"s the fucking manager? 全他妈别动

 听见了吗 No one fucking moves, all right? 谁要是敢动 If somebody fucking moves, 老子一枪崩了他 fucking shoot "em. -米霍



 哥们 - Miho - chill, I got you, bro. 你最好不要跟我耍小聪明 You"re not messing with me right now. 知道钥匙是哪个吗 Do you know what key it is? 现在就打开

 快点 All right, open it. Come on, open it. 真是操了 Goddamn! 糟了 Oh, shit!

 糟了 Shit. 天呐 Oh, God. 跟我过来


 跟我过来 Come with me. Come with me. Come with me. -妈的


 -天呐 - The fuck happened? - Oh, God. 趴下

 趴下 Lay down. Lay down. 你搞毛啊 What the fuck? 失落男孩们


 撤退 All right, Lost Boys, out, out! 嗨

 嗨 Hey, hey. 帮他按着伤口 Apply pressure on there. 嗨

 你们看看这个 Hey, y"all, watch this. 谁想逞英雄

 谁想逞英雄 All right. Who"s Pockets? Who"s Pockets? 别啊



 兄弟 Oh, hell no. Hell no. This tastes like shit, bro. -早跟你说了


 -嗨 - I told you. I told you. - Hey! -这是什么


 滚蛋吧 - What is this? - It"s your shit. Get out of here. 滚吧

 快滚出去 Go. Get out of here. 排队站好 Line up. 嗨

 你这是干什么 Hey, what the fuck are you talking about? 你不想在这混

 就快点滚蛋 You don"t wanna be here, so get out of here. 你不尊重这个家庭

 那就请你离开 You don"t respect this family, so leave. 我不想离开 I don"t wanna leave. 你♥他♥妈♥逗我


 Are you kidding me? You know what happened today 你知道有人遭枪击了吗 Do you know that someone got shot? 我会走的 I"m gonna go. 我很抱歉

 但是他不该跟我逞英雄的 I"m sorry, but, he shouldn"t have been fucking with me. 这都是他自找的 He got what he deserved. 你觉得这是他自找的吗 That man deserved that? 我是这么教你的吗 You think that"s what I"m teaching you? -哦


 -我让你说话了吗 - Oh, look... - Look... Am I talking to you? 你知道其他人怎么看你们的吗 Do you know what that world thinks of you? 他们认为你们是黑人


 废物 They think you"re black, white trash, garbage. 你们知道我怎么看你们的吗 You know what I think of you? 我认为这里的每个人都是金子 I think everyone here is gold. 每个人都拥有各自的价值 Everyone here has value. 你们事举足轻重的

 可以有所成就的 You"re worth something. You"re a part of something. 你不尊重这一点 You don"t respect that? 往那看 There you go. 冰冷无情的世界等待着你们 There"s a cold world just waiting for you, kid. 兄弟

 冷静点 Whoa! Dude, just chill. -拜托


 -别跟我说让我冷静 - Oh, come on, man. - Don"t tell me to chill. -你搞毛啊


 -我的天呐 - What the fuck man? - Jesus Christ! -操


 快停下 - Motherfucker. - Oh, my God. Stop!



 -把手拿开 - Stop it. Stop it! - Relax. Get your hands off of me. 放心 Relax. -你♥他♥妈♥的在干什么

 -快停下 - What the fuck are you doing, man? - Stop. 我的天呐 Oh, my God. 明天早上 In the morning, 谁手臂没有刻上这个标志 whoever has an "X" on their arm 就不再是这个家庭的一员了 is gonna be a part of this family. 没刻的人

 对我来说就他妈的是个陌生人 Everyone who doesn"t is a fucking stranger. 你们知道我是如何对待陌生人的 You guys know how I feel about strangers. -莱斯特

 -别说话 - Lester? - Quiet! 我在思考呢 I"m thinking. 叫我♥干♥什么 What do you want? 箱子上的名字

 卡伯恩 The name on this box, Carbone. 是谁啊 Who is that? 问这干什么 Why? 我就是好奇 I"m just curious. I mean... 其他箱子标的都是失踪人口

 出轨外遇 Everything else is labeled missing persons or infidelities. 只有这个箱子上写的是名字 That"s the only one with a name on it. 我雇是让你来接电♥话♥的 I hired you to answer the phone, 不是让你来问东问西的 not to be in here asking questions. 抱歉

 Sorry. 我的妻子

 玛格丽特 My wife, Margaret, 她根据那个那个箱子

 得出了一个理论 she had a theory about the name on that box. 她在这上面花了很多时间 She worked very hard on it. 什么理论 What was her theory? 她认为这个城市已尽是险恶之人 That there"s no good in this town anymore. 我想知道她怎么样了

 如果你不介意的话 What, um, happened to her, if you don"t mind me asking? 她死了 She died. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 帮我个忙 Do me a favor. 就让盒子上的名字跟她一样死去吧 Let the name on that box die too. 好吧 Okay. 我要早点下班 I"m gonna turn in early. -你记得锁好门窗

 -好的 - You make sure you lock up. - Okay. -好吧


 -晚安 - All right, well, have a good night. - Yeah, good night. -谢谢

 -不用谢 - Thank you. - You"re welcome. -谢谢

 -不用谢 - Thank you. - You"re welcome. 人口失踪找谁 Hi, where"s the Missing Persons? 后边的那个女人 Uh, the woman just behind there. 知道了

 我 5 点左右下班 I know. I"ll get out of here around 5:00. 我会从前门出去

 好的 I"ll be out front. Okay.


 有什么需要帮助的吗 Yes, can I help you? 我能找人问一下关于一个失踪男孩的事吗 Hi, is there someone I can talk to about a missing boy? -填过报告了吗


 还没填呢 - Have you filled out a report? - No, I have not yet. I... 弗兰

 这位女士需要填一份失踪人口报告 Flan, this young lady wants to fill a missing person"s report. 叫什么名字 What"s the name? 这份报告 15 年前就填过了 Well, a report was already filed about fifteen years ago. 5 年前 15 years ago? 亲爱的

 我♥干♥这一行已经很久了 Honey, I"ve been doing this a long time. 一般几天过去

 基本就没什么希望了 After a few days, things don"t look good. 好吧


 你们有没有记录 Okay, well, is... I mean, do you guys have any records, 或者你建议我该怎么做 or what would you suggest I do? -家人


 -是一位老朋友 - Is it family, a friend? - It"s an old friend. 不然你明天来

 我们到时候再谈 Why don"t you come back tomorrow and we"ll talk more? -9 点可以吗


 那可太好了 - 9:00 work? - Yeah, that would be great. -谢谢你

 -不客气 - Thank you. - Don"t mention it. -怎么称呼你


 吉姆·弗兰纳里 - And what was your name? - Jim. Jim Flannery. 吉姆·弗兰纳里


 非常感谢 Jim Flannery. Okay, thank you so much. 阿莫斯

 快看我找到了什么 Amos, look what I found. 等一下 Give me one second. 好吧 Okay. 怎么了

 What? 好了 Okay. 好了

 好了 Okay. Okay. 发现什么了吗


 我 Does something make sense? I mean, I looked at it... 好了


 好了 Okay, okay, okay. 从这


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