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 A Around the world,there are hundreds of cities with brightly coloured streets and incredible graffiti that help to bring the streets alive.Here are some of the most colourful streets in the world to add to your list of places to visit. El Caminito,Buenos Aires,Argentina Within the La Boca neighbourhood of Buenos Aires lies El Caminito Street.This small but colourful street has rows of homes and businesses painted in every colour imaginable.And the pretty turquoise ( 青绿色) and yellow pavements make the street even more beautiful.Home to cafes and shops,this street is typically a hot spot for tourists. Rainbow Row,Charleston,America Many people claim that if you don’t visit Rainbow Row then you haven’t really been to Charleston at all.The row of 13 houses,painted in pretty pale soft colours including baby blue,soft pink,lemon yellow,and green,are private houses that date back to the 1700s.Just around the corner in the same neighbourhood,you’ll find small ice cream shops,coffee shops,and independently owned stores to do some window shopping for a fun girl’s getaway weekend. Old Town Colmar,France One of the most colourful areas in France is Old Town Colmar,a little village often referred to as the Little Venice of France with a history of over 1,100 years.The canal running through the centre of the village is surrounded by half-wood houses of different colours.The village takes special care of the flowers that line the canal,which add to its collection of vibrant hues ( 鲜艳的色调). Nyhavn,Copenhagen,Denmark

 The harbour district of Copenhagen is one of the country’s most popular tourist attractions,with good reason — the colourful street is only outdone by the views of the boats on the harbour.Nyhavn is home to traditional homes painted in bright colours; some have been changed into cafes and shops. 21.Which street has colourful ground? A.Old Town Colmar.

 B.El Caminito. C.Rainbow Row.

 D.Nyhavn. 22.Why is Old Town Colmar regarded as the Little Venice of France? A.For the canal flowing through the village. B.For the vibrant hues added to the view. C.For the houses in pretty pale soft colours. D.For the flowers decorating the canal. 23.What fascinates tourists most in the harbour district of Copenhagen? A.The pretty colourful street.

  B.The beautiful private houses. C.The attractive cafes and shops. D.The charming boat scene. B Most Chinese know the story of Chang’e,the mythological Chinese goddess of the moon.It’s a story about a woman who takes an immortality pill and flies to the moon.It is told every year during China’s Mid-Autumn/Moon Festival,so people can’t hear the word “Chang’e” without thinking of romantic images of a moon goddess. For this reason,China’s mission to the moon was calling out for a strong female figure.Therefore,pictures of a 24-year-old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang’e-5 Moon exploration programme with comments about how she is a “frontline soldier in the field of aerospace” that young Chinese can look up to. Ms Zhou,a 24-year-old lady of Tujia ethnic group,is China’s youngest ever space commander.She was involved in the successful launch of the Chang’e-5 lunar probe on 24 November,in charge of the rocket connector system,described as a key role. In Wenchang space launch site,though she is not very tall,she is called “big sister” for her powerful core and energy.Since senior high,she has dreamed of

 being a member of a space research team.With her great efforts,she was admitted to an aircraft system and engineering major of a domestic university in 2014,making her aerospace dream come true.To grow into a commander,in two and a half years,she changed five positions to be familiar with multiple posts and types of work,each of which takes great courage and is full of challenges.In a working space with no air conditioning and narrow space to accommodate only three people,she worked for 60 days until the completion of “the Long March 5 rocket goes around” battle. Her story has received attention from Chinese state-run media as well as overseas media outlets.However,it has not appeared to have had much of an effect on her.According to the media,she declined repeated requests for interviews as she does not wish to let fame get in the way of her work. 24.Why does the writer mention the myth of Chang’e at the beginning of the passage? A.To introduce the topic. B.To give an example. C.To tell a romantic story. D.To spread Chinese culture. 25.What makes people think of Ms Zhou as a pioneer for the youth in aerospace? A.Her youth and beauty.

 B.Her pictures on the media. C.Her identity of Tujia ethnic group. D.Her performance in the moon-landing programme. 26.Why did Ms Zhou reject the media’s invitation to interviews? A.Because she was too shy. B.Because she was not available. C.Because she feared her fame might affect her career. D.Because she considered fame nothing but a burden. 27.What can we learn from Ms Zhou’s story? A.Attitude is altitude.

  B.The early bird catches the worms. C.Many hands make light work. D.Diligence makes up for inability. C It’s no surprise that stress and anxiety are often viewed in a negative light,but Lisa Damour,a private-practice psychologist,suggests they’re not always bad for us.She claims that a little bit of both can help build mental resilience and these experiences can sometimes benefit us.

 Damour explained how stress often occurs when people operate at the edge of their abilities—when they push themselves or are forced by situations to stretch beyond their familiar limits.“This can result from both bad and good events,”she said.For instance,being fired is stressful,but so is bringing a baby home for the first time.She described how stress is unavoidable in daily life and that medium levels of stress “can have an inoculating function”,which can lead to “higher than average resilience” when we face new difficulties. “Anxiety gets an unnecessarily bad comment,” she said,“Anxiety is an alarm system inside the body,likely handed down by evolution,which informs us of threats from both outside,such as a driver turning aside suddenly,and inside,such as when we’ve wasted too much time and it’s time to get started on a task.” “Viewing anxiety as sometimes helpful or even protective allows people to make good use of it,”suggests Damour.For example,she often tells the teenagers she works with in her practice to pay attention if they start to feel anxious at a party because their nerves may be warning them of a problem. 28.When do people feel stressed according to Damour? A.They have much work to do.

 B.They lose their favorite things. C.They deal with difficult situations.

 D.They’re engaged in doing familiar things. 29.What does the underlined word “inoculating” probably mean in Paragraph 2? A.Unexpected. B.Unbearable.


  D.Determining. 30.What’s the purpose of Paragraph 3? A.To explain the reason for being anxious. B.To demonstrate the benefits of anxiety. C.To state the risk of being anxious. D.To present the solution to anxiety. 31.What does the text mainly talk about? A.Stress and anxiety aren’t always bad. B.Stress and anxiety are part of our lives. C.We should focus on positive things in life.

 D.We should deal with stress and anxiety carefully. D (2021· 江苏南通高三 5 月考前练习) When Naomi Fisher took her eight-year-old son to the country park in Birmingham where she spent much of her childhood exploring with her friends,he asked why he was not allowed to go off by himself. “I couldn’t even give a good reason why not.It’s just not done any more,nobody lets their kids do that,” said Fisher,a community architect.“I had some conversations and it seemed my generation had all experienced that kind of play from seven or eight years old and yet it had virtually disappeared.” Fisher’s experience is not uncommon.A survey published this week reported that children typically are not allowed to play outside on their own until two years older than their parents’ generation were. Soon after,with the help of her friend,they set up Roam,a first of its kind charity running sessions to help children with safe,unsupervised ( 无人监督的) play outside.At each session,up to 15 children,all under-12s,are given some g r o u n d

 rules—they must stay in groups of at least three at all times,for instance—before being allowed to roam ( 玩耍) alone for up to two hours. Volunteers keep tabs on them and count numbers on a regular basis,but do not interfere.They also run sessions with more supervision for younger children and those with additional needs.“A lot of our families have said they’ve seen that their children’s capabilities are much better than they thought,” said Fisher. When Roam surveyed parents,it found that although road danger and safety fears were a key reason behind why many did not let their children play alone.“The more important reason was that parents felt their child would stand out and their parenting would be judged,” said Fisher.“My biggest fear at the pilot sessions was that a member of the public might approach the children and say: ‘You’re way too young to be your own.’” 32.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A.Parents giving a good reason.

 B.Children playing outside on their own. C.Children exploring with their parents.

 D.Parents communicating with their children. 33.What do we know about Roam? A.It offers children academic sessions.

 B.It disciplines children to stay inside. C.It helps children display better abilities.

 D.It involves more supervision for older kids. 34.Why do many parents refuse to let their children play alone? A.They feel their children are too outstanding. B.They worry about children’s incompetence. C.They fear negative judgment on their parenting. D.They believe their children will break traffic laws. 35.What is the passage mainly about? A.How a community a...

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